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October 10, 2009

Classic Motorcycle Chapter 1: Honda Scoopy-i Original Fun From Honda Japan Since 1992

The new little cute motorcycle classic range presents Honda Scoopy-i: the lightweight and has a hi-performance engine, the awesomely powerful 110cc automatic 4 strokes, air cooled engine ventilation, PGM-Fi (Programmed Fuel Injection) fuel pump system controlled by computer or Genius ECU (Engine Control Unit) to calculate fuel rate distribution efficiently, powerful, accurately and much more economy just only 49 Km / Liter, also supporting E20.

Honda Scoopy-i TV Commercial

Another fascinating features shown as the below pictures. . . C'mon Let's have fun!!!

Honda Scoopy-i also comes with 3 concepts of colors: Fun (white-red, black-red, blue-black), Cute (green-white, pink-white) and Prestige (white-brown, black-brown).

Fun (white-red, black-red, blue-black)
Cute (green-white, pink-white)
Prestige (white-brown, black-brown)
This vehicle is built and designed for financial crisis moment, you can have it traveled along the road to your work place, market, friends' houses. . . wherever you want to take it to. Clutch-brake-shift gear is waste of time, trying this motorcycle to let you save some money for a vacation because it burns your gasoline in rate 49 Km / Liter, figure out 49 Km is long distance, isn't it?. The most important thing is priceless, it retails for only US$ 1,329.oo

Special thanks: AP HONDA


Blog Man said...

สวยดีครับ ดูทันสมัย ต้องมารอดูว่า scoopy i จะสู้ Fino ได้ไหม?

Ricco said...

You're right. . . Fino is the best selling motorcycle in Laos. . . It's gonna be enormous obstacle for Scoopy-i to share the market.

Anonymous said...

technical parameters scoopy i? thanks.